Friday, December 23, 2005

Google Groups : misc.consumers

This is a concern of mine. I'm going to look into just how we here in the US can know that what we are buying is truly organic.

Google Groups : misc.consumers

"Britain's organic food revolution was facing its first serious test
last night after an Observer investigation revealed disturbing levels
of fraud within the industry.

Farmers, retailers and food inspectors have disclosed a catalogue of
malpractice, including producers falsely passing off food as organic
and retailers failing to gain accreditation from independent
inspectors. The findings raise concerns that consumers paying high
premiums for organic food are being ripped off. "

Google Groups : Certified Organic Group

Google Groups : Certified Organic Group

Excessive use of antibiotics by meat producers, 8 times more than in
human medicine, contributes to alarming increase in antibiotic

WASHINGTON - Every year in the United States 25 million pounds of
valuable antibiotics -- roughly 70 percent of total US antibiotic
production -- are fed to chickens, pigs, and cows for nontherapeutic
purposes like growth promotion, according to a new report from the
Union of Concerned Scientists. This finding -- 40 percent greater than the
estimate of the livestock industry for all animal uses -- is the first
transparent estimate of the quantities of antibiotics used in meat